NAB 2016 Exhibitor Viewpoint - TV Technology

HAPPAUGE, NY—Sat 04, 2016—

(Original article from


TV TECH: What do you anticipate will be the most significant technology trend at the 2016 NAB Show?

JACHETTA: I think we’re in the midst of a profound technology migration to the world of IP, and that will positively affect many aspects of our business. For us at MultiDyne, we know that we are a transport company, not just a fiber company, starting with the addition of an IP feature to our products. Adding the option for a 2022 IP output to the SilverBack is just the start.

The pace of this migration has increased significantly over the past 18 moths and I expect at the NAB Show we’ll see more advanced implementations of IP (SMPTE 2022.5/6).

TVT: What will be your most important product news?

JACHETTA: I can’t give away too much, but expect a variety of new features and capabilities for our SilverBack camera-bask transceiver line (SD/HD and 4K models); our BullDog field fiber transport system and handheld converter line, as well as the SilverBULLET. We’re also showing a new POV/PTZ camera system that is form fit to the base of most PTZ cameras. In general, at this year’s NAB Show we’re thinking “smaller, lighter and faster.”

I’m also excited to see what’s new in the area of 4K/8K product equipment. We have some things in the pipeline that are very complimentary to the higher resolutions being talked about now. At MultiDyne we’re anticipating the industry to move to 4K production very quickly (in many cases it already has begun the process) and 8K after that; Higher and higher resolution is here to stay. There are huge advantages to shooting in 4K beyond creating 4K content. The image can be cropped to HD size to capture the action up close or even create what looks like another camera at the shoot by cutting to different HD sections of the same 4K image.

TVT: How is your new product different from what’s available on the market?

JACHETTA: MultiDyne specializes in high-quality signal transport over fiber optic cable. We don’t process the signal or change it in any way, we just convert what’s coming in to an optical signal and then pass it down a fiber cable. At the other end, we convert the signals back to copper with as little change as possible. We only transport. By design, we output the exact same thing that was inputted. While maintaining this philosophy, we either make a card, a black box or camera-mounted systems for every single signal type or application. This allows the user to maintain the highest quality across the entire distribution chain and send signals much farther than they can over a copper cable. Fiber gives us virtually unlimited bandwidth for countless signals of any type, including 4K, 8K and beyond. We’re not limited in any way.

TVT: What is it about the NAB Show that brings you back every year?

JACHETTA: Missing the NAB Show would be like missing your wedding. We enjoy seeing our customers and marketing partners as well as a lot of the new technology on display on the show floor. The NAB Show has also always been a good opportunity for us to show the industry what we’re up to and get the feedback we use to improve the products and make them the best they can be. I encourage everyone to come visit us in Booth C5113 and see what all the excitement is about.